Travolta's House Is an Airport!

By plane to the front, or how he arrange his home-John Travolta Airport.
The most extraordinary actor in Hollywood John Travolta became the first owner of the land which is located on the territory of the residential airport. Such a strange choice was made for a reason because he not only owns five aircraft but also he is a certified pilot. And now, when the construction of the mansion is over, at the main entrance of the Travolta house you can often see a "parked" liner on which a celebrity can easily go even on the longest journey.
John Travolta and his wife Kelly Preston became the first owners of a plot of land on the territory of a residential airport which was bought from Jumbolair Aviation Estates in Florida. Since then the "fun life" of the couple began with their personal runway and taxiway which is laid directly to the front entrance of the mansion.
John Joseph Travolta (born 1954) is one of the richest and most famous actors in Hollywood. He started his career as a dancer and actor of musicals. For all his creative life he starred in 80 films, recorded more than 10 discs and a considerable number of singles, he was awarded several prizes, the most significant are the "Golden globe" and "Emmy", also he became the owner of the anti-award "Golden raspberry".
Such a strange choice famous Hollywood actor made for a reason, he just realized the dream of his life. "John always had a dream that the planes were standing in his front yard, so he could almost taxi to the house – so when you want to have dinner, all you have to do is get out the door, sit in the cockpit and take off," – says the beloved wife of John Kelly Preston.
And this is true, the celebrity, being 5 year old boy, "sick" sky and did everything possible to his passion for aviation did not remain pipe dreams. As soon as the opportunity arose, he took pilot courses and received a certificate of pilot Qantas 747 and American Airlines Boeing 707.
The outstanding actor even has a reward for outstanding achievements in the area of ... aviation from the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. In addition to all the regalia and permits John owns five aircraft but the biggest pride of the actor is the restored Qantas Boeing 707-138B 1964 year of release.
For this reason the designers who collaborated with the actor did not even try to resist and impose fashionable stylistic ideas, arguing that John already had a vision of how he wants everything to be and they just implemented his ideas.
It is difficult to determine the style of the main part of the mansion, reaching a height of 16 meters because everything is subordinated to the aviation theme. But the authors of Novate.Ru managed to allocate 3 architectural style: classical American, air navigation style airport in Dallas and they found the similarity with the design of the TWA terminal.
Some experts even could not to identify the huge curved blue Windows (5.4 and 4.5 meters in the bedroom and dining room), as it turned out, they borrowed from the premises of the resort of Fontainebleau Hilton in Miami. With these Windows as the palm of hand shows three aircraft hidden under special tents.
As was recognized by the owners, there are 14 rooms in the house but the most favourite place is the kitchen because Travolta loves to eat so Kelly says that in their house "all roads lead to the kitchen."
For this reason, the house decided to equip as many as two rooms. One is for serious cooking and the other for snack preparing. For the same purpose, there were designed three dining rooms with magnificent views of the runway and aircraft Parking places were.
For decoration the main dining room there was created an unusual mural with an area of 23 square meters where you can see a happy family, waiting to board the plane. An interesting fact which reflects the story of a picture that a celebrity (he collects old magazines) found in the magazine Fortune 1937 year released " I waited years to do anything with this picture until I had the idea to use it to decorate the dining room," says John. Exactly for this reason the main room of the entire mansion has such a rare look.
Although almost all the walls of each of them serve as a place of exposure of interesting pictures, maps of the world, certificates, diplomas and romantic paintings which invariably have an aviation theme.
This is especially noticeable in the Johns office on the walls of which flaunt pictures which reveal not only his creative path but also the path of the pilot of which he dreamed of all his life.
But according to the wife- the mistress of the mansion, the house should be cozy: "Children play on the couch, watch TV, communicate with us, they love it, because it is – a funny house. We have a large swimming pool, golf course..."we are a family which enjoys an active life." Looking at the interior of the mansion it is easy to guess that the couple were able to realize all their dreams and desires in its design so in the end the whole family was satisfied and happy.
The rich and famous people have their own quirks and there is always a favorite pastime in addition to creative activity. If Travolta is an avid fan of aviation, Arnold Schwarzenegger prefers cars.