Flight attendant myths.

Each sphere of activity is surrounded by myths and the profession of flight attendant is no exception. Today we will dispel the most common myths about this profession and show the real side of working in the sky.
Models only.
Undoubtedly, appearance plays an important role in this job, but it is much more important that the girl is healthy and hardy, since her work is connected with ensuring flight safety. Moreover, periodically it will be necessary to help passengers, including physical help. And with regard to appearance - here we need not models, but just neat and fit girls. The only strict parameter is height, since the cabin attendant should reach the upper luggage rack.
Easy job.
The most erroneous myth, since the work of the flight attendant is extremely nervous and physically exhausting. Like representatives of any other profession, cabin crew have a number of occupational diseases. For example, girls often suffer from varicose veins and spinal problems. It’s all to blame for being on your feet. What is more, there is also a huge lack of sleep.
An opportunity to see the world.
The reality is harsh - most flight attendants see countries and cities only through the window of the porthole. Most often, breaks between flights are only enough for having a sleep. Then there is another flight. It’s a vicious circle.