Política de Pagos

The banking data of the Client are requested to transfer to him the compensation which was received from the airline for delayed or canceled flights for the purpose of execution of the agreement between ClaimOut and the Client.

Client's banking data may be transferred from ClaimOut to the airline, the consumer protection authority, the court in case if the transfer of compensation is possible only to the client's account.

Typically, the client's requested banking details include the following information:

  • - Name of the bank;
  • - Recipient;
  • - Currency of account;
  • - Account number or bank card number;
  • - IBAN;
  • - SWIFT.

Banking data are subject of the General rules for the collection, processing and storage of personal data provided for in the ClaimOut Privacy Policy.

In particular, when the Client exercises his right to delete his personal data which includes banking data ClaimOut reserves the right to retain the account number, IBAN and SWIFT of the Client to comply with the requirements of the legislation in the field of audit and taxation.

Updated at the third of April, 2019