How to choose good seats at the airplane

When planning a trip, you will want to choose the best places on the plane. If you know the air carrier and the model of the aircraft, specify the location of the seats using the scheme. And if you have not decided which aircraft you will travel on, check out the general rules.
The main factor ensuring the choice of a good seat on the plane remains the class of flight. It determines the convenience of chairs, their width and distance between rows, features of services and food. The classification of services is determined individually by the carrier, but most companies provide basic options:
● “economy” allows you to travel at the lowest price, but comfort will not be up to par;
● “business” is suitable for those who prefer convenience;
● “premium” is not provided by every carrier due to the price of luxury conditions.
Economy seats are available on any aircraft. For a reasonable price, travellers are offered to watch movies on a small screen in front of them, meals and a limited selection of drinks, sometimes a blanket, magazines, a pillow. The cost of tickets to in "business" is higher, but you will already feel the difference at the airport. Check-in takes place at a separate counter, after which passengers wait for departure in the lounge. They are provided with drinks and an extended menu, and at some airports there are showers and beds. On board you will note the width of the seats, the availability of spacious legroom, and better food. Business class passengers are the first to leave the plane after landing.
Near the porthole: pros and cons
● Sitting in a chair at the porthole, you will appreciate all the benefits:
● you will not be disturbed by the neighbours or cabin crew passing by;
● illumination near portholes in the daytime is better than in places near the aisle;
● deciding to rest, you lean against the wall.
But there are some disadvantages, as to go to the toilet, you have to disturb the neighbours. Also study the cabin layout: on some airlines, carriers have 2 seats on one side of the aisle. There will be more space, but the chair is located at a distance from the wall, and you can’t lean against it during sleep.
At the aisles:
● you don’t bother your neighbours when getting up to the toilet or wanting to stretch your legs;
● you will go to the exit a little earlier.
The disadvantages include the need to let neighbours out and put up with the fact that cabin crew constantly walk by. It will not be possible to enjoy the view from the porthole.
In the middle:
The prospect of sitting between two other passengers is not popular with everyone. But the advantages are obvious: you will admire the views from the window and will not disturb a large number of people when getting up to stretch your legs. You will have to let only 1 neighbour out on the flight, and they are unlikely to often go to the toilet.
Behind emergency exits:
The advantages of seats in the row behind the emergency exit will be appreciated by tall passengers. After all, there is enough legroom, which is important for flights lasting more than 4 hours. But in some models of airliners the seatbacks are fixed or do not recline fully. There are also problems with hand luggage, since it is not allowed to put it in the aisle.
If you want your flight to give you a positive experience, pre-select the best places. The more time you spend in the air, the more you will feel a lack of legroom or the inability to recline. Study the layout of the aircraft, follow the general recommendations, and avoid mistakes! And if suddenly there is a problem with your flight, you can always contact us for airline coverage.